Victory is Coming

Victory is Coming

Atmospheres View project

Victory is Coming

Imposter syndrome says authenticity doesn’t matter

Feeling like an imposter means you are doing something for the first time, something you don’t know will work, but it has for some others. It means you are doing something original to you, something you genuinely care about, just don’t see your own authority in that.

Imposter syndrome is a real experience, but a false reality. It says you don’t have the right to succed in something others have succeded, just because you have never done it before. It also says you don’t have the right to be you, and you don’t have results and proof to be entitled to be what you are. Or it simply says, you don’t have the authority to be genuine and authentic, which is just simply false.

If you are authentic, you have a positive attitude that is honest, you have all the right to decidet to be an expression of that attitude, without needing to explain it to anyone. If you decide to be genorous and caring enough to pursue that which is genuinely you, even if it might not work, even if it hasn’t, or has worked for others, you owe no explanation or proof to anyone.

You need no qualification to be you. You want to write, make art, create something you haven’t before, engage in something meaningful to you—congratulations, you are a human being! No one knows ’it,’ or have ’the’ skills, everyone just knows some, learns some. Everyone learns on the way, not before. So just set the compass, and the ship will take care of going in the right direction.