Courage Takes You All The Way
Physical Courage, Integrity
At the beginning of spiritual evolution, one finds the courage to participate in the world in an integrous way. Instead of trying to cheat, win at any cost, dominate and control, one now works hard to earn the fulfillment of one’s needs. One works hard because working hard itself is fulfilling, one is empowered to take part in physical life. As the courage to be honest is found, there is no need to deceive, no need to hide behind false principles or a boosted appearance.Â
Honesty becomes consistent and one is increasingly trustworthy and progressively responsible. With that, one becomes kind and trusting, and no longer sees others as a threat, the groundwork for cooperation is built. In a responsible understanding, even with trust, a capable person becomes hard to cheat, because he understands his own worth, and doesn’t seek baseless gains.Â
This is probably the single most important step in the evolution of consciousness, and if it is missing to any extent, there is no going further. Therefore, one must be incredibly self-honest to discern if any foundations of this sort are lacking. Quite apparently, it is possible to acquire billions of dollars, countless non-relationships with pretty women or handsome men, and anything one can blindly desire, without a solid decision to renounce falsehood. But I don’t see what built-in support, sustainable meaning such a person has against the constant threat of chaos and meaninglessness.
Honesty means becoming consistent, becoming one being and not hiding parts of oneself in any circumstances. Compartmentalization must be given up to be wholly constructive and not have a constant counter-productive, even destructive part of oneself constantly lurking from the shadows. If one is angry at home, and submissive at work, maybe he should try being angry at work too, if the alternative is out of reach, and see where that leads. Or if a person craves money, attention, and fame, but teaches about sacred concepts and how to be all-loving, she could maybe look for a way to reconcile her different ways of being, because her whole being will be a lie, which is incredibly deceptive, even if not immediately apparent.Â
Be honest, self-sufficient, trustworthy, responsible. Tell the truth, or at least don’t lie before going any further.
Emotional Courage, Success
Going forward, surrendering a purely physical life built on work, the courage to feel and be a personality arises. Humor and willingness as a way of dealing with hardship is prevalent, and a person becomes pleasant to be with, emotionally rewarding to deal with. Leadership and progress need a willingness to fail, trial and improvement becomes a way of being. In relationships, a less self-absorbed and more open person is loyal and accepting, fulfillment and prosperity is what one gives to others and oneself.Â
Intellectual Courage, Freedom
As the courage to admit to one’s infinite ignorance arises, there is more mental energy to think reasonably, there is the potential for a higher quality of understanding. Accepting the human mind’s incapability to really know anything beyond empty concepts, the pursuit of truth is increasingly one’s most important endeavor.Â
Taking courage in the mind, one doesn’t need the help of others to be happy, to be free, thus letting others be free themselves. Living second-hand is left behind, one lives for one’s self, one’s pursuit of truth, the meaning of life becomes life itself. Loving oneself doesn’t require loving others, and loving others is not subject to loving oneself. With intellectual courage by admitting one’s incapability to discern truth alone, the understanding of a higher power, a relationship with God becomes the main source of inspiration.Â
Spiritual Courage, Liberation
Complete self-honesty taking over, the willingness to let go of the most basic of human patterns and animalistic instincts comes up. A non-linear field that can be called love, becomes dominant. Love for the sake of love. The meaning of life is now effortless service, the world is observed in the context of simplicity and a recognition of the innate aliveness of creation. Responsibilities are renounced to a higher order, as are expectations.Â
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