Faith Is Greater Than Belief

Faith Is Greater Than Belief

Energy View project

Faith Is Greater Than Belief

Faith is greater than belief


Positive belief achieves results by inflating one’s own personal power. By placing apparent energy in oneself by means of inflating the significance and appearance of things one is associated with. It is a way of positive projection, but projection, still – it does not have an unshakable, eternal power.

Faith, on the other hand, calls upon an impersonal Higher Power. Faith does not need projection, it operates on the inherent, true value and power of things. It operates on the principle that that which is true, has power, and it doesn’t need to inflate or project on the appearance of things. Faith is potentiality. It can, and it does become actuality, just without exerting force. In fact, it becomes actuality, because it is not exerting force.

Belief works through focus and concentration, faith works by alignment. To faith, a higher power is effortlessly available, as it resides in that Higher Power. Faith is outside of the domain of reason, apparent causality, and force. “Just be that quality,” as Hawkins* said, therefore, is its essence.

*David R Hawkins, MD, PhD was an internationally renowned spiritual teacher, psychiatrist, physician, researcher, lecturer.