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Thankfulness shows you what you have, and multiplies it

"For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath." --Matt 25:29 KJV

In spirit, we really only have that which we are thankful for. If we are not thankful for something, we have decided, we don't have that. Either because we are not valuable enough to have it, or because it is not valuable enough for us. And, of course, our destiny is set according to that decision. Therefore, to have, we only need to be thankful.

We can always be thankful, there is an infinite abundance of blessings in our lives, constantly. It is enough to start by admitting to the value of those 30 dollars in the wallet, by being thankful for a comfortable bed, clean water, and always enough food. By giving thanks, we effectively move out of a posture of narcissistic grief, apathy, and pride, and humbly admit that we are blessed. Nothing more is required, and it is not quite demanding to do this much.

That puts us in an affirming, advancing, and satisfied state and attitude. And so thankfulness opens us up for what we have, and the realization of all the blessings starts pouring in – and that is all we need.

A Print of This Artwork

This artwork is available as an acrylic print, by clicking the header, above.

If the writing, resonated with you, you found it insightful, and you feel that the artwork is aligned with its message, you can buy a printed piece. It is intended to facilitate contemplation and serve as an aesthetic accent for your selected space.

Acrylic prints preserve all the details of the original picture, they are smooth and are a perfect match for this art style. These gallery-quality compositions provide vibrant colors and will be a defining piece for their future location.